Hello All ,
Switching the BPF using c# code in ms crm ,through plugin
I have following scenario's based on one filed value we need to set the BPF , we can use following process but it is obsolete or deprecated in feature it is not going to work .
That is the reason using C# code change BPF(Business Process Flow).
Step 1 :- My Scenario i have 2 BPF
Step 2: - Switch the BPF Based on Text Contains in the Name .
If name Contains "IT " the I want Show the "Carrier Path BPF" other wise switch to " Carrier Path BPF 1 ".
Step 3:- Entity name is "Carrier " ,When ever we create record ,associate record will record in BPF Entity .
Step 4: - To Switch BPF i am using Plugin code . (we can also use Custom Workflow).
Step 5:- To Switch BPF ,we need to create record in the BPF Entity ,that will automatically switch the BPF.
Step 6: - First i will Retrieve the 2 BPF records associated with Carrier Entity id ,When ever I create Carrier Entity record ,associate record will be created in BPF .
To retrieve the BPF records
private EntityCollection GetCarrierBPF(IOrganizationService service,Guid carrierId)
QueryExpression queryExpression = new QueryExpression("gitta_carrierpathbpf");
queryExpression.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("bpf_name");
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("bpf_gitta_carrierid", ConditionOperator.Equal, carrierId);
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("statuscode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 1);
queryExpression.NoLock = true;
EntityCollection CarrierBPFPathCollection = service.RetrieveMultiple(queryExpression);
return CarrierBPFPathCollection;
In the Above code Service is "Organization Service" and "carrierId" is Newly Created Carrier record .
"gitta_carrierpathbpf" Carrier Path BPF logical name
Step 7:- After 2 BPF records are retrieve using above code .
var carrierBPFEntityCollection = GetCarrierBPF(service, CarrierId);
var carrierBPFEntityCollection1 = GetCarrierBPF1(service, CarrierId);
Step 8:- Check for the What is the value in the "Name"
if (carrier.GetAttributeValue<string>("gitta_name")!=null)
if (carrier.Attributes["gitta_name"].ToString().Contains("IT"))
if(carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities.Count ==1)
else if(carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities.Count >0)
service.Delete("gitta_carrierpathbpf1", carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities[0].Id);
createCarrierBPF(service, CarrierId);
if (carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities.Count == 1)
else if (carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities.Count > 0)
service.Delete("gitta_carrierpathbpf", carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities[0].Id);
createCarrier1BPF(service, CarrierId);
based on value of name first we are going check record is available in appropriate BPF or not ,if record is not available in the proper BPF entity ,we are going to create record in BPF.
Before that we are going to check other BPF had any record associate with the Carrier entity record ,if record is available in Other BPF ,we are going to delete first ,after we are going to create.
Step 9 :- Creation of the BPF record code .
private void createCarrierBPF(IOrganizationService service,Guid carrierid)
Entity carrierBpf = new Entity("gitta_carrierpathbpf");
carrierBpf["bpf_gitta_carrierid"] = new EntityReference("gitta_carrier", carrierid);
Step 10 : Total code is below.
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using MSCRMplugins;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.ServiceModel;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
namespace MS_CRM_plugins.Demo.Plugins
public class Carrier : PluginBase
string unsecureString;
public Carrier(string secure, string unsecure) : base(typeof(Carrier))
unsecureString= unsecure;
protected override void ExecuteCrmPlugin(LocalPluginContext localContext)
if (localContext == null)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("localContext");
IPluginExecutionContext Context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
//if (Context.Depth > 1) { return; }
if (Context.PrimaryEntityName.ToLower() != "gitta_carrier") { return; }
if (Context.MessageName.ToLower() != "create")
IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;
ITracingService trace = localContext.TracingService;
if ((Context.InputParameters != null) && Context.InputParameters.Count > 0 && Context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && (Context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity))
if(Context.Depth > 2) { return; }
Entity carrier = Context.InputParameters["Target"] as Entity;
Guid CarrierId = carrier.Id;
var carrierBPFEntityCollection = GetCarrierBPF(service, CarrierId);
var carrierBPFEntityCollection1 = GetCarrierBPF1(service, CarrierId);
if (carrier.GetAttributeValue<string>("gitta_name")!=null)
if (carrier.Attributes["gitta_name"].ToString().Contains("IT"))
if(carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities.Count ==1)
else if(carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities.Count >0)
service.Delete("gitta_carrierpathbpf1", carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities[0].Id);
createCarrierBPF(service, CarrierId);
if (carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities.Count == 1)
else if (carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities.Count > 0)
service.Delete("gitta_carrierpathbpf", carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities[0].Id);
createCarrier1BPF(service, CarrierId);
private EntityCollection GetCarrierBPF(IOrganizationService service,Guid carrierId)
QueryExpression queryExpression = new QueryExpression("gitta_carrierpathbpf");
queryExpression.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("bpf_name");
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("bpf_gitta_carrierid", ConditionOperator.Equal, carrierId);
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("statuscode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 1);
queryExpression.NoLock = true;
EntityCollection CarrierBPFPathCollection = service.RetrieveMultiple(queryExpression);
return CarrierBPFPathCollection;
private EntityCollection GetCarrierBPF1(IOrganizationService service, Guid carrierId)
QueryExpression queryExpression = new QueryExpression("gitta_carrierpathbpf1");
queryExpression.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("bpf_name");
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("bpf_gitta_carrierid", ConditionOperator.Equal, carrierId);
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("statuscode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 1);
queryExpression.NoLock = true;
EntityCollection CarrierBPFPath1Collection = service.RetrieveMultiple(queryExpression);
return CarrierBPFPath1Collection;
private void createCarrierBPF(IOrganizationService service,Guid carrierid)
Entity carrierBpf = new Entity("gitta_carrierpathbpf");
carrierBpf["bpf_gitta_carrierid"] = new EntityReference("gitta_carrier", carrierid);
private void createCarrier1BPF(IOrganizationService service, Guid carrierid)
Entity carrierBpf = new Entity("gitta_carrierpathbpf1");
carrierBpf["bpf_gitta_carrierid"] = new EntityReference("gitta_carrier", carrierid);
Switching the BPF using c# code in ms crm ,through plugin
I have following scenario's based on one filed value we need to set the BPF , we can use following process but it is obsolete or deprecated in feature it is not going to work .
That is the reason using C# code change BPF(Business Process Flow).
Step 1 :- My Scenario i have 2 BPF
- Carrier Path BPF (logical Name : gitta_carrierpathbpf)
- Carrier Path BPF 1 (logical Name : gitta_carrierpathbpf1)
Step 2: - Switch the BPF Based on Text Contains in the Name .
If name Contains "IT " the I want Show the "Carrier Path BPF" other wise switch to " Carrier Path BPF 1 ".
Step 3:- Entity name is "Carrier " ,When ever we create record ,associate record will record in BPF Entity .
Step 4: - To Switch BPF i am using Plugin code . (we can also use Custom Workflow).
Step 5:- To Switch BPF ,we need to create record in the BPF Entity ,that will automatically switch the BPF.
Step 6: - First i will Retrieve the 2 BPF records associated with Carrier Entity id ,When ever I create Carrier Entity record ,associate record will be created in BPF .
To retrieve the BPF records
private EntityCollection GetCarrierBPF(IOrganizationService service,Guid carrierId)
QueryExpression queryExpression = new QueryExpression("gitta_carrierpathbpf");
queryExpression.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("bpf_name");
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("bpf_gitta_carrierid", ConditionOperator.Equal, carrierId);
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("statuscode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 1);
queryExpression.NoLock = true;
EntityCollection CarrierBPFPathCollection = service.RetrieveMultiple(queryExpression);
return CarrierBPFPathCollection;
In the Above code Service is "Organization Service" and "carrierId" is Newly Created Carrier record .
"gitta_carrierpathbpf" Carrier Path BPF logical name
Step 7:- After 2 BPF records are retrieve using above code .
var carrierBPFEntityCollection = GetCarrierBPF(service, CarrierId);
var carrierBPFEntityCollection1 = GetCarrierBPF1(service, CarrierId);
Step 8:- Check for the What is the value in the "Name"
if (carrier.GetAttributeValue<string>("gitta_name")!=null)
if (carrier.Attributes["gitta_name"].ToString().Contains("IT"))
if(carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities.Count ==1)
else if(carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities.Count >0)
service.Delete("gitta_carrierpathbpf1", carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities[0].Id);
createCarrierBPF(service, CarrierId);
if (carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities.Count == 1)
else if (carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities.Count > 0)
service.Delete("gitta_carrierpathbpf", carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities[0].Id);
createCarrier1BPF(service, CarrierId);
based on value of name first we are going check record is available in appropriate BPF or not ,if record is not available in the proper BPF entity ,we are going to create record in BPF.
Before that we are going to check other BPF had any record associate with the Carrier entity record ,if record is available in Other BPF ,we are going to delete first ,after we are going to create.
Step 9 :- Creation of the BPF record code .
private void createCarrierBPF(IOrganizationService service,Guid carrierid)
Entity carrierBpf = new Entity("gitta_carrierpathbpf");
carrierBpf["bpf_gitta_carrierid"] = new EntityReference("gitta_carrier", carrierid);
Step 10 : Total code is below.
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using MSCRMplugins;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.ServiceModel;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
namespace MS_CRM_plugins.Demo.Plugins
public class Carrier : PluginBase
string unsecureString;
public Carrier(string secure, string unsecure) : base(typeof(Carrier))
unsecureString= unsecure;
protected override void ExecuteCrmPlugin(LocalPluginContext localContext)
if (localContext == null)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("localContext");
IPluginExecutionContext Context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
//if (Context.Depth > 1) { return; }
if (Context.PrimaryEntityName.ToLower() != "gitta_carrier") { return; }
if (Context.MessageName.ToLower() != "create")
IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;
ITracingService trace = localContext.TracingService;
if ((Context.InputParameters != null) && Context.InputParameters.Count > 0 && Context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && (Context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity))
if(Context.Depth > 2) { return; }
Entity carrier = Context.InputParameters["Target"] as Entity;
Guid CarrierId = carrier.Id;
var carrierBPFEntityCollection = GetCarrierBPF(service, CarrierId);
var carrierBPFEntityCollection1 = GetCarrierBPF1(service, CarrierId);
if (carrier.GetAttributeValue<string>("gitta_name")!=null)
if (carrier.Attributes["gitta_name"].ToString().Contains("IT"))
if(carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities.Count ==1)
else if(carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities.Count >0)
service.Delete("gitta_carrierpathbpf1", carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities[0].Id);
createCarrierBPF(service, CarrierId);
if (carrierBPFEntityCollection1.Entities.Count == 1)
else if (carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities.Count > 0)
service.Delete("gitta_carrierpathbpf", carrierBPFEntityCollection.Entities[0].Id);
createCarrier1BPF(service, CarrierId);
private EntityCollection GetCarrierBPF(IOrganizationService service,Guid carrierId)
QueryExpression queryExpression = new QueryExpression("gitta_carrierpathbpf");
queryExpression.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("bpf_name");
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("bpf_gitta_carrierid", ConditionOperator.Equal, carrierId);
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("statuscode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 1);
queryExpression.NoLock = true;
EntityCollection CarrierBPFPathCollection = service.RetrieveMultiple(queryExpression);
return CarrierBPFPathCollection;
private EntityCollection GetCarrierBPF1(IOrganizationService service, Guid carrierId)
QueryExpression queryExpression = new QueryExpression("gitta_carrierpathbpf1");
queryExpression.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("bpf_name");
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("bpf_gitta_carrierid", ConditionOperator.Equal, carrierId);
queryExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("statuscode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 1);
queryExpression.NoLock = true;
EntityCollection CarrierBPFPath1Collection = service.RetrieveMultiple(queryExpression);
return CarrierBPFPath1Collection;
private void createCarrierBPF(IOrganizationService service,Guid carrierid)
Entity carrierBpf = new Entity("gitta_carrierpathbpf");
carrierBpf["bpf_gitta_carrierid"] = new EntityReference("gitta_carrier", carrierid);
private void createCarrier1BPF(IOrganizationService service, Guid carrierid)
Entity carrierBpf = new Entity("gitta_carrierpathbpf1");
carrierBpf["bpf_gitta_carrierid"] = new EntityReference("gitta_carrier", carrierid);
Note : - Please Observed above code i am using the Plugin Base ,if you don't about plugin base ,you can use normal IPlugin also.
public class Carrier : IPlugin
above code just replace with small changes .
Step 11: Please Register plugin Post Event Create of Carrier ( in my case use your own entity)
Now create record using console c# code or OOB On demand Work Flow ,in my case i used on-demand work create carrier path.